
I am not pregnant but I have been finding myself nesting in preparation for this next semester. I feel like I need to have my cabinets and fridge cleaned out before I can start. Recently Sean and I decided to clean our our closets and get rid of some stuff. We were watching the t.v. show "hoarders" at the same time and it really helped! I found myself holding a purse that used to be my grandma's that I will probably never use. It is huge and takes up alot of room, compared to my other purses. I was telling sean that I didnt want to get rid of it and as I was saying it the lady on the show was saying almost the exact same thing about a little trinket from her deceased mother. So I put the purse in the donate pile...and five minutes later retrieved. I am not ready yet :).
I think it might have something to do with the fact that my grandma's husband passed away about a week ago. It made my grandma's passing (2 years ago) more real...more concrete, if that makes any sense. We moved the rest of my grandma's stuff out of the trailer they lived in together and my brother moved in. That was also difficult for me. I dont know if I am ready to go to the house that my grandma lived in all of her life and see my brother inhabiting it. It is going to take some getting used to.
We recently had our nieces spend the night. They slept on the floor of our bedroom and in the morning the 6 year old crawled in my side of the bed and cuddled with me. It made me realize just how ready I am to be done with school so I can have a family of my own! I know that God called me to go to nursing school, but I also know that I was made to be a mother. I am excited that I am about to start my second half of nursing school. I will graduate in december and I will be 26...I know that is not old...but it feels wierd. ok...enough babbling.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, may his face shine upon you! May you experience his grace, mercy, comfort and joy!


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