Super Wife

Ok...I realize that to most people this is a no big deal thing however, it made me feel like a super wife. I, Pina Marie, unclogged the toilet!!!

So, here is some personal background. I come from a family with amazing men. My father took out the trash, fixed everything on the cars (even checked the oil for me) and ALWAYS unclogged the toilet. If there was a clog and my dad was not home, no problem! Just close the lid and use the master bathroom until my dad came home from work and give the gross task to him after a long day of working at a job he disliked to provide for us. He is the dad, that is what they do right?

So, when I moved out of my parents house, before I got married, I took it upon myself to take out the trash and check the oil on my car...but I have never used a plunger. Today, my usual friday babysitting gig was canceled so I am home all day. And the toilet was clogged.

My first instinct to close the toilet, and wait until my hard working, stayed up all night last night studying, exhausted, sweet, and incredibly handsome husband came home after being in class ALL day today.... I made the noble decision that today was the day to rise above myself, to be a strong woman! I would unclog the toilet!!!

And I did...and it wasnt hard...and I feel amazing. Go ahead and make fun of me...I dont care. I am a super wife!


  1. Congratulations!

    Hey Friend,
    I wanted to let you know you can follow my blogs...Thanks!

  2. ^Oh look, blog spam!

    Congrats, Pina, but a few courtesy flushes would go a long way, yeah? :p


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