In which I take a deep breath...and trust...

I failed this year. I failed at most of the important relationships in my life. I can basically say I failed in most of the important parts and some of the less important parts of my life. the end of 2010 I find myself at an impasse. I can either wallow in my own self I am really good at doing, and continue in a downward spiral of crapness...or I can pick myself up, dust off my shoulders and try harder. This is going to be a huge year for me...and I want to fully embrace it but this time actually acknowledging and seeking the Lord.

So, some new years resolutions...

-Less pride, more love
-Less gossip, more love
-Less Judgment, more love
Do you see a theme here?

-More physical health
-More organic cooking
-Get a job
-Form traditions
-Seek God 1st
-Give love to those without love
-Instill hope in the hopeless
-Stand up for the orphan
-Reach out to homeless people...or at least dont look down on them as
if I am better or something...I guess that goes along with the whole less judgement
more love thing.

There is so much more...I just want to make a lasting impression on the world. I want to be a better wife, friend, daughter, student, christian, sister...etc...
Above all, I need to learn to trust God....completely. This blog is kinda all over the place, forgive me...I guess I am just pretty scattered tonight.


  1. God has moved on my heart similarly over the last year or so, and especially over the last few weeks. He has comforted me with His love and is transforming me bit by bit into a more loving person. I've little doubt He's doing the same for you. That's what He does for His children, makes them ever more like Jesus.

  2. ((((HUGS))) Those are areas I am always trying to improve in it seems.


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