41 weeks 4 days

Here I am, more pregnant than I ever thought I would be. Actually I had a feeling that this would happen. I feel like I tend to be extreme in situations that my body is in charge of. Like the fact that my morning sickness lasted longer than most, I threw up more than most, managed to gain alot of weight in spite of the previously mentioned throwing up, and now I get to stay pregnant longer than most. Although people are induced alot more lately and I believe that if they let themselves it is more common to be late then not.

I had an ultrasound today to check the baby's biophysical profile and amniotic fluid levels. Everything is fine. She looked really chubby on the ultrasound. We even saw some belly fat rolls and hair! She didnt look very happy. I think because she had been up partying all night and was not happy about being woke up so early in the morning.

Since everything is fine we are just going to continue to wait. I have been getting daily acupuncture, which I am sick of so I am taking a break from it today. I have ben taking a chinese herbal remedy that tastes pretty gross 3 times/day. I have been using the breast pump to stimulate contractions. It is pretty effective at bringing on good contractions but they dont last. Early this morning I had some pretty strong contractions that were 10 minutes apart that lasted for a couple hours. So my body is showing signs of baby coming soon. My midwife thinks I will have her sometime over the weekend. I have decided that if I dont have her by monday I am taking castor oil...YUCK!!!

Right now I am just taking it easy, spending time with Sean, eating yummy food, and reading my favorite books. Hopefully this little lady will make her appearance sooner rather than later!!!


  1. You know Hannah was three weeks late with her first pregnancy,I think she took castor oil the day before she gave birth.

  2. I think its that once you get to your due date, you feel like you're late for something and that is where the urgency comes from. My hypno-birthing teacher was adamant about not calling it a due date, but "birthing season"... and it wasn't to be called "labor" it was the "birthing time"... The point, I guess, was to give a less stressful image of your final days of pregnancy. Alas, being the self-proclaimed rebel, I enjoyed being in early labor from March 16 to April 15th. I was 0 station and 2 cm on March 16th and +1/2cm on his due date April 3. And I made all the crap... the labor cookies, I waddled with my legs apart to help him drop even more... I made castor oil shakes.. (ps.. if you get to the castor oil, go get the berry smoothie mix from costco.. add the castor oil in there and its disguised pretty well!) and none of it worked! lol. I would always get pretty strong contractions going at night. So on April 14th, since I was overdue, I just went to the hospital when they were about 5 min apart. Because I was overdue, they didn't send me home. I was +2 station but still 2cm. Stinkin kid! lol The bottom line is... She can't stay in there forever! It just feels like forever when you don't know the exact when! I'm constantly thinking of you and hope that you have a perfect labor and birthing experience! Oh look at me.. I'm getting choked up!


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