my 1st recipe blog!

I decided to be like Laurie and post a recipe. I love to cook, especially after a long day. It is therapeutic for me. I also try to stay away from SAD (standard American diet). SAD causes issues with your body...and I am not just talking about digestive issues either!
Anyways, today I made a yummy couscous dish and I decided to share it. If you haven't had couscous yet, go to Trader Joe's and buy the whole wheat couscous. It is good, and cheap. BTW, when I first made couscous for my husband he didn't like the texture, he said it felt like fish eggs...I continue to make it and he seems to have gotten over the texture.
So here it first recipe blog...someday I will get really fancy and post pictures...but I am not quite ready for that!

2 chicken breasts cut into teeny tiny pieces(optional, this would be perfectly fine without meat, however I am married to a man who thinks he needs meet or he will waste away)
1 zucchini also cut into teeny tiny pieces
2 tomatoes cut into teeny tiny pieces (do you sense a pattern)
1/4 onion and 1 clove of garlic cut into teeny tiny pieces
About 1/2 cup of frozen peas
About 1 1/2 cups of chicken broth mixed with 1 1/2 cups of salsa (or what I did was cook taco meat in the slow cooker earlier in the week and saved the broth. I usually cook it in a whole jar of salsa, water to cover the chicken and some Mexican spices. The broth is divine and I always save it either for Spanish rice or other inventions like this.)
1 1/2 cups of couscous
1 tablespoon of olive oil.
Some Chile powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper

1. Saute onion and garlic in olive oil for a couple minutes
2. Add chicken, add some salt and pepper, and stir fry it until it is close to being done
3. Add other veggies stir fry them for a couple minutes
4. Add couscous and chicken broth/salsa stuff
5. Add garlic powder (just a little remember there is already garlic in the dish, you actually don't even have to add garlic powder, I am just excessive when it comes to garlic) and Chile powder.
6. Bring to a boil, put a lid on and then turn of the stove and let it sit for 5 minutes. Couscous only takes 5 minutes to cook!!!
7. Taste it and if you are excessive like me add more Chile powder and salt at the end.

Warning, this makes alot of food. I usually cook big meals so we can have leftovers to take for our lunches and also again for dinner a couple days later. This was probably to much but my husband went for a bike ride today and I have a feeling he will be really hungry when he gets home. His brother is with him also so I think it is OK, but on a normal day I would not have made so much because we probably would not have been able to finish it ourselves I really don't like to waste food.

Cold couscous is good with a spinach salad or just by itself. Have I mentioned I love couscous?


  1. Pina!! This sounds amazing! I love love the couscous, and am excited to try it in this new way! And I love that you are doing a blog, it will help me feel closer to you in our 2800 mile separation :)Cheers to no SAD diet! And huzzah to trying this recipe! Love you!

  2. thanks kristen. After eating it, I decided that it needs more veggies. I think I would add another zucchini. Love you too!


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