Why do parents lie to their kids about santa and then get upset when other kids tell their kids the truth? I dont get it and I dont want to do that to my future kids. I think I will tell them the history about St. Nicholas and that people make believe that he comes and brings us gifts, but I will not tell him that he is real. It feels so wrong to lie to your kids...and then when they question it to insist that Santa is real. People wonder why their kids dont listen to them. I am so happy to celebrate christmas. Jesus came to the earth! That is the most amazing thing that has happened in the history of mankind. I also think that Jesus coming to this earth to be a living sacrifice for us is something that we all should be celebrating and contemplating daily. The American christmas complete with a tree, stockings, presents, yummy food, and gathering of family and friends is nice and fun...and I am happy to partake in it. I love all of the traditions (except Santa) and I love any excuse t...