
Showing posts from December, 2009

Whats wrong with my dancing?

The other night we were celebrating one of my best friend's birthdays. Her almost 2 year old son was dancing with our other friend and when I got up to dance he yelled, "NO, sit down." And then he punched me in my leg. ...

Attempts at getting attention :)

Sometimes when Sean is busy doing some sort of work on the computer I take lots of pictures of myself and him and I realized to day that I have tons of pics of him either looking annoyed or totally ignor ing me...I think it is funny! Hahaha ....he is sooooo good at ignoring me! So I just keep taking pictures... But to be fair...he doesn't ALWAYS ignore me :) We love each other. Notice our little tree? It is courtesy of our roommate Kaley . Also notice my necklace. My grandma gave me those pearls for my wedding. My grandpa gave them to her a long time ago. I treasure them now since she is in heaven now. When I wear her jewelry I feel close to her

I am half a nurse

I am half a nurse now. I cannot believe how fast this semester went by. I learned alot but I am nervous for next semester. What if I forget how to put in an IV? Haha...I know that if I forget anything my teacher or classmates will always be there to help and support me. I guess it just seems surreal that I actually made it through 2 semesters of nursing school. Not just made it through but am doing well. I always thought I was not very smart, and I guess I still think that. I was really scared that I was going to flunk out of nursing school. I am truly grateful to God because I know that he has been very faithful and gracious to me. I to feel like I need step up and start putting more effort into things. I just feel like I give myself to many breaks and I really need to spend this year gleaning whatever I can from my classes and teachers so that I can pass my state board exam when I am done. I need to continually remind myself to trust in God about the exam because I tend to get prett...

Christmas rambling and santa confusion

Why do parents lie to their kids about santa and then get upset when other kids tell their kids the truth? I dont get it and I dont want to do that to my future kids. I think I will tell them the history about St. Nicholas and that people make believe that he comes and brings us gifts, but I will not tell him that he is real. It feels so wrong to lie to your kids...and then when they question it to insist that Santa is real. People wonder why their kids dont listen to them. I am so happy to celebrate christmas. Jesus came to the earth! That is the most amazing thing that has happened in the history of mankind. I also think that Jesus coming to this earth to be a living sacrifice for us is something that we all should be celebrating and contemplating daily. The American christmas complete with a tree, stockings, presents, yummy food, and gathering of family and friends is nice and fun...and I am happy to partake in it. I love all of the traditions (except Santa) and I love any excuse t...


My husband loves it when I clean the house. It helps him concentrate, get more work done, and not be depressed when the house is clean. I am not good at cleaning. I have realized since I got married that the only thing I am good at and comes naturally to me is cooking. I love cooking. I love coming home after a long day at school or clinicals and then cooking a yummy meal for me and Sean. He appreciates my cooking, but for some reason the cleaning is the thing that really gets him going :) I dont really work...well...I work but not nearly as much as sean. We are both in pretty demanding programs at school. He is working on getting his bilingual teaching credential and I am working on becoming an RN. He student teaches at a local high school from 7:30-3:00 and then goes to work from 3:30-6 or 7. He then comes home, eats and either grades papers or prepares his lessons for the next day. I really appreciate the amount of time he works because I know that I would not be able to work like h...