
My husband loves it when I clean the house. It helps him concentrate, get more work done, and not be depressed when the house is clean. I am not good at cleaning. I have realized since I got married that the only thing I am good at and comes naturally to me is cooking. I love cooking. I love coming home after a long day at school or clinicals and then cooking a yummy meal for me and Sean. He appreciates my cooking, but for some reason the cleaning is the thing that really gets him going :)

I dont really work...well...I work but not nearly as much as sean. We are both in pretty demanding programs at school. He is working on getting his bilingual teaching credential and I am working on becoming an RN. He student teaches at a local high school from 7:30-3:00 and then goes to work from 3:30-6 or 7. He then comes home, eats and either grades papers or prepares his lessons for the next day. I really appreciate the amount of time he works because I know that I would not be able to work like he does. My program is pretty demanding. But it does leave me with more free time than he has so it is my job to keep the house clean...and I would be fired if it was my real job.

I dont know why, but when I get home I immediately want to take a nap, or read blogs, or check my facebook, read books, work out, or hang out with friends. Cleaning is not my first priority and I always feel bad about it.
It is so hard for me to find a balance. I am trying...but it is difficult. Good thing my husband is sweet and patient and wonderful!


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