Attempts at getting attention :)

Sometimes when Sean is busy doing some sort of work on the computer I take lots of pictures of myself and him and I realized to
day that I have tons of pics of him either looking annoyed or totally ignoring me...I think it is funny!

Hahaha....he is sooooo good at ignoring me!

So I just keep taking pictures...

But to be fair...he doesn't ALWAYS ignore me :)
We love each other. Notice our little tree? It is courtesy of our roommate Kaley. Also notice my necklace. My grandma gave me those pearls for my wedding. My grandpa gave them to her a long time ago. I treasure them now since she is in heaven now. When I wear her jewelry I feel close to her


  1. Cute post. AND, might I add that, I LOVE the pick of you in the rock...that's SO great!!

  2. Sweet pics, knowing the thing about jewelry right now, love you

  3. I totally understand what why Sean is making the Annoyed face at you....

  4. Thanks leah, I call that pic "In the Womb"

    Becky...I probably have some pics with you making a face like that also...hahahaha


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