I am half a nurse

I am half a nurse now. I cannot believe how fast this semester went by. I learned alot but I am nervous for next semester. What if I forget how to put in an IV? Haha...I know that if I forget anything my teacher or classmates will always be there to help and support me.

I guess it just seems surreal that I actually made it through 2 semesters of nursing school. Not just made it through but am doing well. I always thought I was not very smart, and I guess I still think that. I was really scared that I was going to flunk out of nursing school. I am truly grateful to God because I know that he has been very faithful and gracious to me. I to feel like I need step up and start putting more effort into things. I just feel like I give myself to many breaks and I really need to spend this year gleaning whatever I can from my classes and teachers so that I can pass my state board exam when I am done. I need to continually remind myself to trust in God about the exam because I tend to get pretty anxious about it.


  1. Congrats babe! You are doing great and I am so proud of you. Keep it up!


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