I am not a parent so I obviously don't know as much as some. However, I do believe I have a little more experience with kids than most people I know who are my age without kids. I have been babysitting for a long time now. About 12 years to be exact. I have witnessed families with incredible parenting, horrible parenting, alternative parenting, and really strange parenting. I have realized that it really doesn't matter what form of discipline or training you use. Consistency is the key. I was once given a copy of the book, "To train up a child," by Micheal and Debbi pearl. I was about 19 years old when I started reading this book and to be honest I had to put it down after the first chapter. I was sickened. They start out by comparing children to military personal. Here is a passage from the first chapter. " When headstrong young men join the military, they are first taught to stand still. The many hours of close-order-drill are simply to teach and reinforce su...
So, when I got a gym membership about 10 months ago I agreed with my husband that I should be working out about 3 times a week to make my gym membership financially worth it. I was doing really good until about 2 months ago. I think that finals, along with getting a new job, new schedule, and my own laziness has really got in the way. Lately I have been lucky if I make it to the gym 2 times a week... The interesting thing is that I am finally at a place in my life where I am comfortable in my own skin. I have learned to finally embrace the way God made me and realize that no matter what my outer appearance looks like the true beauty comes from a heart after God. I have comes to terms with what a real woman looks like. Not the woman on the cover of Cosmo, not the woman in any victoria secret catalogue. Those women are beautiful...but they are fake. They have no ounce of cellulite, they NEVER have stretch marks, their skin is perfectly smooth. A real woman, no matter how physically fit t...
Sometimes when Sean is busy doing some sort of work on the computer I take lots of pictures of myself and him and I realized to day that I have tons of pics of him either looking annoyed or totally ignor ing me...I think it is funny! Hahaha ....he is sooooo good at ignoring me! So I just keep taking pictures... But to be fair...he doesn't ALWAYS ignore me :) We love each other. Notice our little tree? It is courtesy of our roommate Kaley . Also notice my necklace. My grandma gave me those pearls for my wedding. My grandpa gave them to her a long time ago. I treasure them now since she is in heaven now. When I wear her jewelry I feel close to her
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