A day with the great grandparents

Saturday started out with my amazing husband letting me sleep in!!! Sooooo wonderful! When I got up Eloise was snacking on some sliced almonds. We had some bacon that needed to get cooked to I decided to make an egg casserole with bacon, kale and potatoes. I got started on that while Sean made the coffee (essential). We kept Eloise busy by feeding her the last of the persimmon muffins. She is so funny. She likes to take a bite, go run around for a bit, then come back and eat some more. I always joke around and say that she likes to work off the calories in between bites. 

I had to leave before the casserole was done. I forced myself to go work out and I'm glad I did. It was a hard one, but with thanksgiving coming up I didn't want to miss a workout. Sean said she liked the eggs so that is good. We decided to go to Sean's grandparents house to get some yard work done. 

Eloise had so much fun playing outside. It's great having a bigger baby who can just play and get dirty. I'm pretty sure her nails turned black within 5 minutes of being there. 

She rocked a pair of overalls that were passed down from my sister to me to her.

I took her on some wheel barrow rides and Eloise found the last ripe tomato! She loves tomatoes so much!!

Lunch consisted of the tomato, grapes, and some bites of leftover egg casserole and some organic turkey breast. I say bites because she gets excited and distracted and doesn't eat the best in the presence of others. 

Eloise was excited to find some grapefruit that had fallen off the tree but was sad when I wouldn't let her ear any. Sean picked her a ripe one and she are some of the peel to get to the inside. The funny thing is it seemed like she likes the peel more then the inside because she cried and tried to spit out the insides. 

I have to be honest here and admit that Eloise had her first bite of gluten today!! Pop was eating macaroni salad and gave her a bite. It was just one noodle, so not that big of a deal, and honestly I couldn't say no to Sean's sweet grandpa. Some people may not feel the same way I do about gluten and that is fine. I am in no way trying to convince anyone to eat the way I do. If you want info about why eating g free might be a good choice for you just google it and you will have enough reading material to last a life time :) 

When we got home I gave Eloise a snack  while Sean went and got us chipotle. Her snack was turkey breast,raisins, slices almonds and some apple. She didn't eat very much of it, and I ended up finishing it off. It's a food thing I feed her pretty healthy because I tend to get a lot of my caloric intake from finishing off whatever she doesn't eat. Even if I just ae a full meal...:/

Eloise and I shared my chipotle. She had carnitas, bell peppers, white rice and black beans. We have been eating beans pretty often lately and I'm so excited because Robb wolf just posted an article on fb recently saying that we might need to rethink eating beans (for those of you who don't know beans are not on the paleo diet). I would have continued to eat then anyways bit it is nice when a scientist tells you what you are doing is right :)

We had a good Saturday together. I love our sweet family days. 


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