What she ate today

I decided to start a new series (ha) called "what she ate today". Basically I am going to take iPhone pics of what my baby ate that day and post them. Sounds amazing right? 

Why an I doing this? Well, people always seem surprised by what my baby eats so I thought this might give other moms some ideas for feeding their babies. I have to say first and foremost that Eloise is only 1 and eats pretty much anything I put in front if her but I realize that it may not last forever. I intend to be honest and post even when she stops eating such a great variety of foods. 

 Also, I am not trying to toot my own horn...I may feed my baby well, but that is pretty much the only thing I am good at. I am the worst housekeeper, I am lazy, and I take to many naps...but at least we eat well!!! 

We eat a mostly paleo diet. I say mostly because we do eat rice occasionally snd Also the occasional cheese . We also partake in the occasional bean :). When I talk about beef on this blog it will all be (unless stated otherwise) 100% grass fed from a local farm. The chicken is always organic, and the pork is usually humanely raised/organic (but not local because I'm just not that rich). 

Also in probBly going to be writing these posts on my iPhone while breast feeding my baby so expect the occasional auto correct typos. 

So here is what Eloise are yesterday, Friday the 21st. 

Pre Breakfast consisted of a paleo persimmon muffin (to keep her busy while I cooked her real breakfast. Here is a pic of the muffins, not the prettiest but they were tasty! Recipe here- http://fedandfit.com/2012/11/29/paleo-persimmon-walnut-mini-muffins/

Breakfast was bacon and sweet potato hash. We usually do eggs in some form, but she was getting a little tired of that. 

Lunch was leftovers from last night. It was one of my famous one pot wonders :) ground beef, Swiss chard, bock Chou, mushrooms, and cashews. The sauce was a mixture of coconut aminos (a grain/soy free soy sauce substitute) blackberry jam, ginger, mandarin juice, and a little cayenne. She loved it!!

Please note that in the above picture she had a tooth brush in her hand. We really encourage her to brush I'm between bites...just kidding!!! I have no idea why she had her toothbrush. 

We had to run some errands so she snacked on Asian pears in the car and later on had a little bit more muffin and ground beef stuff (she tends to eat every couple hours or more). I didn't get a pic of dinner but it consisted of my famous salsa chicken. I just throw some chicken thighs into the crock pot with some salsa and some other mexicanish spices and let it cook. I shred it and Eloise loves it! I also sautéed some onions and peppers. She loved those too. I did give her some organic cheese, mainly because Sean was having it and she really wanted some. Don't get mad paleo police!!! I never claimed to be perfect paleo!!! 

So that is it for yesterday. Also she nurses about every 2-3 hours, sometimes more often then that. I wonder if anyone will read this.


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